Sunday, October 21, 2012

Alaska - Day 7 (Highlights: Walking Trails, Rotary Snowplow, Downtown Anchorage)

For our last day, we decided to stay close to Anchorage again.  We started out going to the Botanical Gardens, but due to the winter, they had a lot of construction going on, so it wasn't much fun.

We then headed up to a place we had passed on the way to Beluga Point that features a rotary snowplow.  The Alaska Railroad uses 9 foot circular rotor blades to clear the snow clogged tracks along the Turnagain Arm and through the Kenai Mountains.
After the rotary snowplow stop, we found another hiking trail we had passed by but not noticed yet, so we stopped for a bit to explore.

and my favorite of the day...
Finally, we headed back into downtown Anchorage for a little bit of shopping and lunch at Orso (very good soup).

Unfortunately, we had to cut the day short to pack and prepare for the trip back to reality.  However, we did also go back to Simon & Seafort's for an anniversary dinner.  Mmmmmmmmmm!  (I'm pretty sure the caribou on the wall photo bombed our picture though).

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